we bridge the gap between the very different worlds of public, private, and nonprofit sectors…
…and help our clients do the same.

Atlanta Regional Commission | Atlanta, GA
Carroll County Department of Planning | Westminster, MD
City of Boynton Beach | Boynton Beach, FL
City of Chamblee and City of Doraville | Georgia
City of Coral Gables | Coral Gables, FL
City of Fairfax | Fairfax, VA
City of Fort Lauderdale | Fort Lauderdale, FL
City of Lake Worth | Lake Worth, FL
City of Maryville | Maryville, TN
City of Portland | Portland, ME
City of Smithville | Smithville, MO
Cultural Council of Palm Beach County | Palm Beach County, FL
DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities | Washington, DC
DC Department of Small and Local Business Development | Washington, DC
DC Mayor’s Office of Nightlife and Culture | Washington, DC
DC Office of Planning | Washington, DC
DC Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development | Washington, DC
Iowa Economic Development Authority | Iowa
Martin County | Martin County, Florida
Michigan Economic Development Corporation | Lansing, MI
Oregon Parks and Recreation Department | Salem, OR
Pasco County | Pasco County, Florida
TN Department of Economic and Community Development | Nashville, TN
Town of Middlebury | Middlebury, VT
Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council| Florida
West Virginia Department of Commerce | Charleston, WV

Barracks Row Main Street | Washington, DC
Cleveland Park Business Association | Washington, DC
Crystal City BID | Arlington, VA
Destination Congress Heights | Washington, DC
District Bridges | Washington, DC
Eastern Market Main Street | Washington, DC
Friendship Heights Alliance | Washington, DC
Georgetown Main Street | Washington, DC
Georgetown Business Improvement District | Washington, DC
Greater Brookland BID | Washington, DC
Greeley Stampede | Greeley, CO
Glover Park Main Street | Washington, DC
H Street Main Street | Washington, DC
Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Agency | Lake Worth, FL
Local Initiatives Support Corporation | Kansas City, MO
MD-National Capital Park and Planning Commission | Prince George’s County, MD
Michigan Main Street | Lansing, MI
Michigan Street African American Heritage Corridor Commission | Buffalo, NY
Minnesota Avenue Main Street | Washington, DC
National Parks Conservation Association | Washington, DC
National Main Street Center | Chicago, IL
North Capitol Main Street | Washington, DC
Penn Institute for Urban Research, University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, PA
Pennsylvania Downtown Center | Harrisburg, PA
Pigtown Main Street | Baltimore, MD
Responsible Hospitality Institute | Scotts Valley, CA
Rhode Island Avenue Main Street | Washington, DC
Shaw Main Streets | Washington, DC
Short North Alliance | Columbus, OH
Tenleytown Main Street | Washington, DC
Uptown Main Street | Washington, DC
Van Ness Main Street | Washington, DC
Ward 7 Business Partnership | Washington, DC
Washington Family Church | Washington, DC
Washington Trust for Historic Preservation | Seattle, WA
Youth Entrepreneur Institute | Washington, DC

Bundy Development | Washington, DC
Clark Realty Capital | Arlington, VA
Congress Park Community Partners | Washington, DC
Delta Sigma Theta | Washington, DC
Four Points | Washington, DC
Gordon Development | Albany, NY
Hershey Corporation | Hershey, PA
KIPP DC | Washington, DC
Lutron Electronics Inc. | Coopersburg, PA
Menkiti Group | Washington, DC
Metro West Housing Solutions | Lakewood, CO
Neighborhood Restaurant Group | Washington, DC
P Park Development | Prospect Park, NJ
Roadside Development | Washington, DC
Sorg Architects | Washington, DC