Full work portfolio
Market opportunity analysis
Buford Highway Masterplan Real Estate & Demographic Analysis
Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta Regional Coommission, City of Chamberlee, and City of Doraville
The Buford Highway Masterplan is part of the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) and aims to revitalize and enhance the Buford Highway corridor. JS&A was retained as a subconsultant to Mosaic Urban Partners and Canvas Planning Group. JS&A conducted a market analysis to gather and synthesize information in order to support decision-making for the Buford Highway Corridor Joint Livable Center Initiative. Findings were summarized in a report detailing neighborhood demographics, real estate conditions and trends, and planned development projects to better understand the constituency that is being served and understand the opportunities and limitations for real estate development along the Buford Highway Corridor.
Project Role: Subconsultant for Mosaic Urban Partners, Canvas Planning Group (Prime)
Downtown East Re-urbanization strategy
Washington, Dc
Office of Planning
As part of the DC Office Of Planning’s Downtown East Re-Urbanization planning effort, JS&A served on a project team with Beyer Blinder Bell and Bay Area Economics to assess the opportunity to revitalize a downtown DC neighborhood characterized by government and nonprofit land uses. JS&A conducted a market analysis and real estate development opportunity assessment for all types of land uses within the study area.
Project Role: Subconsultant for Beyer Blinder Bell
Eastover Sector Plan Redevelopment Strategy
Prince George’s County, Maryland
Maryland – National Capital Park & Planning Commission
The Sector Plan for the Forest Heights / Glass Manor area of Prince George’s County was conducted on behalf of the Maryland – National Parks and Planning Commission. The assignment focused on urban and environmental site design, transportation planning, and economic revitalization strategies. The consulting team was led by Cooper Carry, and Stover served as project manager for the economic revitalization component. Project deliverables included a comprehensive public involvement process, a neighborhood and corridor regeneration strategy, and illustrative design scenarios.
Project Role: Subconsultant for Mosaic Urban Partners and Cooper Carry (Prime)
H Street Retail Opportunity
Washington, Dc
Bundy Developent and Delta Sigma Theta
JS&A, on behalf of Green Door Advisors, conducted a market opportunity analysis comparing two development scenarios on two specific sites on H Street NE and Benning Ave NE in Washington, DC. The analysis compared the opportunity to allocate ground floor space of proposed mid-rise apartment buildings to residential compared to retail usage. Findings informed the development team towards the highest and best use of the site.
Project Role: Subconsultant for Green Door Advisors
Innovation and Makerspace feasibility assessment
Washington, Dc
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) retained JS&A to assess the opportunity for establishing an Innovation Space as a District-sponsored initiative to support the local maker community. The report evaluates opportunities – and recommends a strategy moving forward – to develop a centralized makerspace for members to work in and as well as a space display and sell products.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
mid city east small area plan
Washington, Dc
Office of planning
The Mid City East Initiative is Small Area Plan and Livability Study, with community led planning process, for the neighborhoods of North Capitol Street, Rhode Island Avenue, Florida Avenue, New York Avenue and New Jersey Avenue. JS&A worked under Green Door Advisors, HR&A, and Smith Group JLL, conducted a real estate market analysis, and contributed toward a development opportunity analysis, affordable housing strategy, and commercial corridor redevelopment strategy.
Project Role: Subconsultant for Green Door Advisors, Smith Group JLL (Prime)
Sixty state street Restaurant Opportunity
Albany, New York
Gordon Development
JS&A assessed market opportunities for the commercial component of a proposed mixed-use conversion of the historic Key Bank building in downtown Albany, New York. JS&A’s analysis satisfied the guidelines of the New York Main Streets Program Anchor Grant, and evaluated the physical location, competitive supply, and expected market demand impacts on implementation of a high-end restaurant.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Southwest Neighborhood Plan
Washington, DC
Office of Planning
The goal of the Southwest Neighborhood Plan is to provide public and private stakeholders a land use and urban design framework that will guide development for the changing neighborhood. The plan includes a development potential analysis and strategy for multiple underutilized District-owned sites, as well as key privately held opportunity sites. A major plan output is the recommendation of land use designations that will best facilitate a more efficient use or redevelopment of these target properties. JS&A provided real estate market insights and strategy support in the development of the master plan.
Project Role: Subconsultant for Mosaic Urban Partners, Ayers Saint Gross (Prime)
Economic Development Strategy
Crystal Pike Planning Corridor Concept Development
Arlington, virginia
Crystal City Business Improvement District
The Crystal City BID engaged JS&A to help the nonprofit refine and articulate the Crystal Pike Corridor concept. JS&A developed a visually-oriented summary report geared toward a range of public stakeholders to communicate the need for the development of the Crystal Pike concept, especially as a tool for Arlington County transit planning and economic development.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Downtown Lake Worth Arts & Cultural Master plan
Lake Worth Beach, Florida
Lake Worth Community REdevelopment Agency
JS&A was selected as part of a team with Lord Cultural Resources to undertake the Downtown Lake Worth Arts and Culture Master Plan. Overseen by the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County, the Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA), and the City of Lake Worth, the Master Plan aims to leverage a growing local arts scene as a central part of the greater downtown economic development strategy. JS&A conducted a market analysis including demographic projections, a cultural enhancement and economic development strategy, and a detailed implementation plan.
Project Role: Subconsultant for Lord Cultural Resources
H Street Retail Assessment & Enhancement Strategy
Washington, DC
H Street Main Street
In 2015, H Street Main Street (HSMS) expanded its coverage to include portions of Bladensburg Road NE and Benning Road NE in addition to the H Street NE corridor. HSMS is in the process of assessing the existing conditions and developing programming to assist these new corridors. JS&A was retained by H Street Main Street to help the nonprofit assess retail conditions on Bladensburg Road NE and Benning Road NE, understand recent and projected trends, and develop strategies for creating a vibrant and sustainable retail atmosphere that serves the community.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Main Street Feasibility Assessment
Washington, DC
Department of Small and Local Business Development
JS&A assessed the feasibility of development a joint new DC Main Street program, a new model for the District of Columbia’s Main Street program, for Upper 14th Street NW and Kennedy Street NW in DC’s Ward 4. Funded and overseen by the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development, JS&A articulated how a Main Street program could be best implemented to benefit businesses along both commercial corridors. Based in part on JS&A’s recommendation, the Uptown Main Street was formed, accredited, and funded by the District of Columbia in 2018.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Van Ness Real Estate Survey and Parking Assessment
Washington, DC
Van ness Main Street
Van Ness Main Street, incorporated to revitalize the Van Ness commercial corridor of Washington, DC, retained JS&A to help the nonprofit better understand its stakeholders. JS&A collected key real estate and business information on behalf of the nonprofit and developed a digital organization system for the nonprofit to document the real estate, business, and stakeholder information. JS&A assessed parking conditions in the Van Ness area, assessed stakeholder parking needs and concerns, and recommended steps for organization to take to make tangible parking improvements for constituents.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Economic Development Implementation
Student Intern Program Development for Streetscape & Pedestrian count Assessment
Washington, dc
H Street Main Street
JS&A, on behalf of H Street Main Street, helped the nonprofit best leverage their student summer intern program while meeting the needs of the organization and serving the interests of the business community along the H Street NE, Bladensburg Road NE, and Benning Road NE corridors. JS&A developed a curriculum and trained the interns to assess and report streetscape conditions to the Department of Public Works as well as collecting updated pedestrian activity data.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Tennessee Retail Summit Training
Columbia, Jackson, and Crossville, Tennessee
Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development
JS&A presented at a series of Downtown Retail Summits for the Tennessee Main Street Program in the spring of 2018. His interactive session, titled “How to Collect, Interpret, and Leverage Data,” included a review of applicable data sources, uses, and collection methods and discussed best practices for using data to inform decision-making and bolster program advocacy. Sessions were conducted in three cities over the course of three days: Jackson, TN , Columbia, TN, and Crossville, TN.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Impact Analysis
connected city master plan fiscal impact
Pasco County, Florida
Pasco County
JS&A supported WTL+a in serving as economic advisors to Metro Development Group on its “Connected City” project in Pasco County, FL. Connected City is a proposed 50-year mixed-use development on a 7,800-acre site in the Tampa, FL metropolitan area. It is distinguished by gigabyte and Smart Grid technology and will include over 37,000 housing units, 5.6 million sf of retail space, 5.3 million sf of office space, and 1.9 million sf of industrial space at completion. JS&A assessed Connected City’s expected fiscal and economic impacts on Pasco County’s General Fund operations over a 50-year buildout, helping the project achieve unanimous approval by the Development Review Committee and Board of County Commissioners.
Project Role: Subconsultant for WTL+a
DC Main Street program roi and fiscal impact
washington, dc
Barracks Row Main Street and h street main street
JS&A evaluated the financial resources DC has allocated toward H Street Main Street and Barracks Row Main Street, the fiscal benefit collected via tax revenues as a result of this investment, and the strength and rate of this return on investment. Combined, the two programs have helped generate $7.2 million in sales tax, income tax, and corporate tax revenues. The project methodology and findings, overseen by the District Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD), has been presented by JS&A at multiple conferences and speaking engagements.
Project Role: Subconsultant for WTL+a
Florida’s Indian River Lagoon economic impact
Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, and Palm Beach Counties, Florida
Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council
JS&A, subcontracting for WTL+a, was retained by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council of Stuart, FL, to conduct an economic impact analysis of the Indian River Lagoon in five counties along the east coast of Florida. The analysis helped establish the economic value and contribution of the IRL to the economies of the coastal counties in the region.
Project Role: Subconsultant for WTL+a
French Market Visitor Profile and impact
Washington, DC
Georgetown Business Improvement District
The 16th Annual Georgetown French Market, presented by the Georgetown Business Improvement District, took place from April 26th through 28th, 2019. The event featured an open-air market with live entertainment, children’s activities, and over 35 local merchants, restaurants, salons and galleries. The Business Improvement District retained JS&A to help the BID understand the visitor demographics and the economic impact of the event. By conducting intercept surveys throughout the three day event, JS&A determined key findings such as more than half the event visitors came from outside of the District and the average visitor spent $70 at the event primarily on clothing and merchandise. Based on JS&A’s analysis, the French Market event generated $776,700 in sales for local Georgetown businesses.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Grimke School Redevelopment City Impact Analysis
Washington, DC
Roadside Development and Sorg Architects
JS&A was retained by Roadside Development and Sorg Architects to support their redevelopment proposal for the Grimke School and African American Civil War Museum, just off U Street NW. The team was selected as the winner by former Mayor Gray and current Mayor Bowser. The redevelopment will build off of the local cultural heritage and enhance U Street’s role as an arts hub while providing a new restaurant, 44 new residential units, and facilities for three local performing arts organizations. JS&A evaluated four ways in which the redevelopment will impact the District of Columbia: job generation; city tax revenues; city expenses; and its influence on the arts and the creative economy.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
H Street Art All Night Impact
Washington, DC
H Street Main Street
H Street Main Street (HSMS) retained JS&A to help the organization understand the economic and fiscal impact of the Art All Night annual event held along the H Street corridor and throughout the city. Leveraging intercept surveys with event goers, JS&A determined the Art All Night event generated $668,000 of additional spending on the corridor during the event with one out of every three visitors coming from outside of the District. With the average visitor spending $61 during Art All Night, the dedicated programming on behalf of H Street Main Street brought more customer dollars to local businesses on the corridor.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
H Street Festival Impact (2016)
Washington, DC
H Street Main Street
H Street Main Street (HSMS) retained JS&A to assess the fiscal and economic impact of the H Street Festival, hosted by HSMS on September 17, 2016. The annual event is part of a revitalization strategy that brings attention to the developing arts and entertainment district spanning 10 blocks of H Street NE. This year’s festival featured more than 500 artists and performances on 14 stages plus an array of local, regional and international cuisine, shopping, arts exhibits, and educational events. The study details some of the primary ways that the festival impacts neighborhood businesses and city fiscal revenues.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
H Street Festival Impact (2017)
Washington, DC
H Street Main Street
H Street Main Street retained JS&A to assess the fiscal and economic impact of the 2017 H Street Festival. The H Street Festival generated an estimated $6.1 million of additional spending along the corridor during the festival. The event generated $2.1 million in salaries and the equivalent of 56 full-time positions in addition to approximately $740,600 in tax revenue for the District.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
H Street streetcar ridership economic impact
Washington, DC
H Street Main Street
H Street Main Street (HSMS) retained JS&A to assess the economic impact of the The H/Benning Streetcar line on the corridor it serves. JS&A surveyed streetcar riders and representatives from corridor businesses, and leveraged ridership statistics from the District Department of Transportation. It is estimated that Streetcar operations resulted in approximately $660,600 in additional revenue for businesses located on the corridor over the course of the year. Most of this spending occurs at restaurants, followed by grocery stores and convenience shops.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Hechinger Mall Site Visioning and Redevelopment Economic, Fiscal, and Community Impact
Washington, DC
H Street Main Street
JS&A worked with a project team overseen by H Street Main Street to envision a redevelopment opportunity for an underutilized shopping mall at a key intersection in the H Street neighborhood in Washington, DC. JS&A helped develop a realistic yet visionary development program, conducted a detailed assessment of the ways in which the program would impact the local and city-wide community, and undertook an engagement effort to communicate the opportunity at hand and incorporate stakeholder feedback before working more closely with site owners and city officials.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Hershey company entities economic impact
hershey, pennsylvania
Milton S. Hershey Foundation, Milton S. Hershey Trust and School, and Hershey Entertainment and Resorts
JS&A estimated the impact multiple Hershey entities have on the local and regional economy: (1) The Milton S. Hershey Foundation; (2) The Milton S. Hershey Trust and the Milton Hershey; and (3) Hershey Entertainment and Resorts (HE&R). The three entities combined to generate nearly 16,441 jobs, $523.4 million in labor income, and $1.4 billion in sales in the greater Hershey region during the average year between 2005 and 2015.
Project Role: Subconsultant for WTL+a and Retail Development Strategies
Main Street America Economic Analysis
Countrywide, usa
National Main Street Center
JS&A completed a multi-phase assignment for the National Main Street Center (NMSC), helping them to (a) standardize and streamline the Reinvestment Statistics annual gathering process, (b) identify new metrics to better understand and communicate Main Street’s economic impacts, (c) and develop a process for tracking and evaluating the economic impact of Main Street programs across the country. JS&A mapped over 900 Main Streets across the United States using GIS and created a comprehensive database of shapefiles for NMSC to leverage for future mapping and data collection purposes. NMSC was trained how to conduct this process in-house for future years.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Main Street America fiscal impact of state programs
Pennslyvania, Washington, Oklahoma, City of Boston
National Main Street Center
NMSC commissioned JS&A to evaluate the relationship between public funding for Main Street programs and the incremental state or local tax revenue attributable to these programs. An analysis of government spending on Main Street programs in the city of Boston and the states of Washington, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania showed a significant positive fiscal return on investment. Each entity collects more tax revenue as a result of the economic impact of their Main Street programs than the amount of money spent on these programs.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Nighttime Economy Impact Assessment Best Practices and Strategic Recommendations
countrywide, usa
Responsible Hospitality Institute
In partnership with the Responsible Hospitality Institute (RHI), Jon Stover & Associates (JS&A) evaluated existing best practices for measuring the economic impact of nighttime economies. Based on these findings, JS&A developed a streamlined process to quantify the role of the nighttime sector of a city or neighborhood’s economy to be as resource-efficient, useful, and actionable as possible.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Pineland Prarie Masterplan Economic Impact
Martin County, Florida
Martin County
JS&A worked with WTL+a to analyze the anticipated economic and fiscal impacts of the proposed Pineland Prarie large-scale masterplan development on Martin County, Florida.
Project Role: Subconsultant for WTL+a
Quarry Redevelopment Fiscal and Economic Impact
Prospect Park, New Jersey
P Park Development LLC
Retail & Development Strategies (RDS) was retained by P Park Development LLC and brought on JS&A as a subconsultant to estimate the projected fiscal and economic impact of a proposed quarry redevelopment in Prospect Park, New Jersey. At its completion, the Quarea, development project will include over 1,200 residential units, 100,000 square feet of retail space, and a variety of municipal buildings and community amenities.
Project Role: Subconsultant for Retail & Development Strategies
Reunion Square Market Analysis, Community Benefits Assessment, and Tax Revenue Analysis
Washington, dc
four points LLC
Four Points LLC retained JS&A to assess the expected impact that the Reunion Square redevelopment will have on the Anacostia neighborhood and the District of Columbia as a whole. This study included three tasks: (1) market analysis; (2) economic and neighborhood impact analysis; and (3) a detailed tax revenue assessment. In addition to increasing the tax base and supporting the local economy, the project will generate several other important public benefits that serve the Anacostia neighborhood and surrounding communities.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Shaw Art ALl Night Impact
Washington, dc
Shaw Main Streets
Shaw Main Streets retained JS&A to analyze the economic impact of the 2018 Art All Night festival held in the Shaw neighborhood and throughout the District of Columbia. Through primary intercept surveys, JS&A assessed the demographics and spending patterns of the event’s attendees. Art All Night’s 20,000 visitors generated $2.2 million of consumer spending in the neighborhood, created support for 54 jobs, and resulted in over $200,000 in fiscal revenue to the city. Shaw Main Street leveraged these findings to communicate the value of Art All Night on local businesses and further discussions of the economic, fiscal, and community benefits of the festivities.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Sixth & I reDevelopment Impact
Washington, dc
Monument Realty
To understand the economic and fiscal impacts of a proposed 150,000 sf development in the Downtown Historic District and near Gallery Place Metro and the Capital One Arena, Monument Realty retained JS&A to conduct a market analysis and impact assessment. JS&A provided key market assumptions and vetted the development pro forma for a variety of land uses. JS&A leveraged this data to conduct an economic and fiscal impact analysis to determine the benefits of shifting the development program from market-rate residential units to temporary hotel use. JS&A determined this change to the development program would generate a net positive fiscal impact of over $1.6 million.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
The Clara on MLK Development Impact
Washington, dc
Banneker Ventures
The Clara on MLK is a proposed mixed-use development in the Anacostia neighborhood of Washington, DC. The developer, Banneker Ventures, retained JS&A to assess the real estate market feasibility of the development and the economic, fiscal, and community impacts of the development. As proposed, JS&A estimated that The Clara on MLK will generate over 60 full-time jobs during construction and 40 full-time jobs annually during stabilized operations resulting in $4.8 million in salary and wages during the development of the project and $2 million in salary and wages each year during stabilized operations. The Clara at MLK will likely generate $145,000 in tax revenue during development and $123,000 annually after stabilized. JS&A’s findings assisted Banneker Ventures in receiving dedicated gap funding through the District’s Neighborhood Prosperity Fund.
Project Role: Prime Consultant
Walter Reed Army Hospital Redevelopment impact
Washington, dc
Deputy Mayors Office for Planning and Economic Development
JS&A subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners, development advisor to the District of Columbia for the 68-acre Walter Reed Army Medical Center reuse plan. Plans call for up to 2,000 residential units, 200,000 square feet of retail space, 750,000 square feet of office space, nonprofit users, 40 acres of open space, and light rail and bike access. JS&A completed a market demand analysis, a fiscal and economic impact analysis, and provided recommendations regarding development feasibility and strategy.
Project Role: Subconsultant for Mosaic Urban Partners