Market Opportunity Analysis
Woodley Park Market Analysis and Retail Enhancement Strategy
Over the past few years, JS&A has been retained by the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development and local Main Street programs to conduct market analyses of the retail conditions in program areas to better guide programming and initiatives. In 2019, JS&A conducted a Retail Market Analysis and Retail Enhancement Strategy study for Woodley Park Main Street.
DC Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD) & Woodley Park Main Street
Market Opportunity Analysis
Economic Development Strategy
Washington, DC

JS&A has conducted detailed market analyses evaluating real estate trends, business trends, and demographic changes in over a dozen Main Streets. This analysis included neighborhood and community demographic analysis, retail and oftentimes office real estate conditions analysis, retail viability assessment, assessment of the retail market areas and customer profiles, and analysis of the impact of future planned and proposed development projects.
Project Scope
Retail Market Analysis
Retail Enhancement Strategies
Neighborhood Change Projections and Implications Assessment
Main Street Implementation Recommendations
Business Owner Engagement

Based on findings in the market analysis, JS&A developed a retail enhancement strategy (Woodley Park Main Street Retail Enhancement Strategies pictured) to help Main Streets improve the retail and business conditions in their program areas. These strategies include concrete actions for the Main Streets and key stakeholders to undertake to help retain and support existing businesses, attract new retail tenants, and expand the retail customer base.
Following the completions of the Market Analyses and Enhancement Strategies, numerous Main Street programs have retained JS&A for implementation services including business attraction and retention strategies, retail vacancy activation strategies, Main Street strategic planning efforts, and more.